Thursday, November 10, 2011

Guess What?!

Two days ago, I received a frantic sounding Etsy message asking if I could overnight two of these...



I know it's stupid, but I got a little giddy thinking that my $15 pillows might show up on such a show.  Funny thing though ... everyone I've told so far (husband, couple friends, Mom) has needed an explanation of who he is. LOL.  That's real life right there.

But I knew my dear friends in blogland wouldn't need an introduction.  And I also knew that you would share in my excitement... even though it is a little shallow, right?  I keep telling myself there's a good chance they won't even be used.  My guess is that these shows order tons of stuff in and only some of it makes the cut.  Supposedly they are shooting the segment today. Who knows when it will air?  Are any of you avid watchers of the show?  If so, keep an eye out for pink velvet.

update 11/11:  received a note saying the show featuring my pillows will air November 22nd! Yay!


  1. how fun---the internet is crazy!!
    love the pillows--hope they make it on the set.

  2. Exciting, Katie! On the lookout... :)

  3. oooh- I'm excited for you! Hope that Radiance from Ruins gets to make its TV debut soon :)

  4. Aaahh, kuddos to Radiance from Ruins!!! Please inform us all if they make the cut! Gorgeous pillows, by the way!

  5. That is freakin' fabulous!!! So happy for you.

  6. Woo hoo, Katie! That is so awesome. I hope you get to see the segment. Will you post which one it is, when they put it online? (No TV at our house. Boo.)


  7. I saw your pillows on the show today. :)

  8. That's so cool! I wish I'd seen your post sooner so that I could have caught them on the show. Congratulations :)


What'cha thinkin?