Friday, August 27, 2010

A Budget-Friendly Starburst Mirror

I may have found the answer to my tiny budget for a starburst mirror over our bed...


Doesn't this look fun?  For the step by step tutorial visit Isabella and Max Rooms.  I think I may have exhausted my miscellanous budget for these two weeks... as David has so nicely reminded me.  But that doesn't stop me from planning!

What projects are on your to-do list?  Are you going to tackle any of them this weekend?  ;)


  1. Wasn't that a great project? Janell is about the most talented, creative woman in the world.

  2. Want to meet us in OK on Sept. 17th for Bradley's Basic Training Graduation? Then on the 18th we're heading to Q!! :D Can't wait!


What'cha thinkin?