Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shower Curtain Idea

Ok, so I'll admit that I cannot claim originality for most of the projects I do around here.  I look at too many blogs for that to happen.  But this one... even though it's pretty small and unaffecting, I dreamed up entirely in my own head.  I'm sure someone has thought of it, but I've never seen it posted anywhere.  Yay for authenticity!  You know how they always say that more fabric is better than less for curtains... fullness vs skimpiness?

Behold, the difference between one and two shower curtains....



Do you ever get annoyed (esp at hotels) when the shower curtain is barely wide enough to stretch the length of the rod?  You keep pull it a bit to one end and then you notice that there's a gap at the other end so you pull it back and forth and back....  Two shower curtains must be the answer.  And I think it even looks better when closed...



Of course, if these shower curtains were $80 a piece, I can assure you that I would not have two of them.  As it is, I'm probably going to have to wait until next month to get another liner (thanks to Dave Ramsey).  But when they're $15 or $20 per curtain or if you're making them yourself from inexpensive fabric or a bedsheet or something, it would be totally worth it.

Back Story...

I made these curtains for the rental house we lived in right after we were married.  The one tiny bathroom had both a tub shower and a doorless closet both on one wall.  A second and matching shower curtain was a good way to cover the closet opening for minimal $, I thought.  The red paisley part of the curtains were Martha Stewart from Kmart.  I sewed the white linen border on the bottom so they would reach the floor.  And if I was doing the project again, I would double or triple the width of the border so the curtain could be hung right at the ceiling and still touch the floor.  I think you can get extra long liners at Bed Bath and Beyond.  Someday, I'll make new, extra tall shower curtains for our current guest bath, but in the meantime it's nice not to spend any money.  Here are some pictures of the bathroom in our little rental... gotta love that metal bar by the toilet...



1 comment:

  1. First time I'm heard of doing this so I'll give you full credit! You're right, the fullness makes a really nice difference. Just like when you use a couple extra panels on windows, it's worth the extra money to get that lush look.

    BTW, loved your comment on my post about following trends. I'm with you on this, I always choose neutrals for my high ticket pieces. I love Ikat too, but the only place I'm splurging on it is a pillow or maybe a little fabric to cover a bench or kitchen chairs, nothing major.


What'cha thinkin?